Thriving Rare Elephant Twins: A Miracle Birth

Miracle Birth: Rare Elephant Twins Thriving

Miracle of Nature: Rare Twin Elephants Born in Thailand are Healthy and Thriving

Date: June 14, 2024

Our heartwarming story today hails from Ayutthaya, Thailand, where a rare and miraculous event has just occurred.

In an exceptional occurrence, a 36-year-old Asian elephant named Chamchuri has become the mother to twin calves, a rarity in the elephant world that has left caretakers astounded.

The surprise deliveries happened at the renowned Ayutthaya Elephant Palace and Royal Kraal.

Initially, a healthy male calf was delivered last Friday. The staff, believing the delivery to be over, began tending to the newborn. To their astonishment, a loud thud announced the arrival of a second calf, a female.

“Once we pulled the second baby elephant out, away from Chamchuri, the baby stood up. It was a moment of pure joy, we all knew we were witnessing a miracle,” shared veterinarian Lardthongtare Meepan.

The unexpected second birth momentarily threw Chamchuri into a panic. Quick intervention from the caretakers was required to ensure the safety of the newborn female elephant.

In the resulting chaos, one of the caretakers was injured, but as he expressed, “I was so happy, I couldn’t feel the pain.”

Born slightly smaller than her brother, the female calf needs a little assistance to nurse from her mother. A small stool serves as a platform for her to access her mother’s milk.

According to Elephant Stay, the twins require feeding every two hours since they are not yet able to nurse independently. Thankfully, Chamchuri has ample milk supply to meet their needs.

“The twins are being showered with love and expert care,” asserts the organization.

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