Man Mowing Lawns For Free Prevents Cat Sanctuary Closure

A Man Who Mows Lawns For Free Saved A Cat Sanctuary From Shutting Down

A Corpus Christi Man Offering Free Lawn Mowing Services Rescues A Failing Cat Sanctuary

July 3, 2024

In a unique positive news update from Corpus Christi, Texas, a man who offers his lawn mowing services for free has saved a cat sanctuary from closing down.

Spencer from SB Mowing, known for voluntarily mowing overgrown lawns and rejuvenating neglected properties throughout the country, recently became the hero of an unexpected rescue operation.

While documenting his work on social media, Spencer stumbled upon a severely injured cat, which led to the restoration of an entire cat sanctuary in dire need of support.

Inspirational story of SB Mowing

SB Mowing

While in Corpus Christi, Spencer happened upon a yard filled with overgrown grass. “I discovered this place by accident on my way to another job. It felt like destiny as I’ve never encountered something like this before,” Spencer shared in his video.

As he was clearing the overgrown lawn, Spencer found a severely injured cat, hidden deep within the grass. With an infected abscess under its arm, the cat was unable to move, appearing ready to succumb to its infection.

Spencer tried to find help for the injured feline, but unfortunately, none of the contacted places were able to accept the cat.

The story of SB Mowing's rescue

SB Mowing

In a turn of events, Spencer’s persistence led him to Edgar and Ivy’s Cat Sanctuary, a place dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of injured and abused cats. The sanctuary agreed to take the cat in, offering necessary medical treatment.

Moved by their compassion, Spencer decided to start a fundraising campaign to support the sanctuary, with a goal to raise $10,000.

Stating that the sanctuary was on the edge of shutting down, Anissa Beal, the director of Edgar and Ivy’s, shared, “Spencer told me, ‘Maybe I can raise $10,000 for you,’ and I thought that would be life-changing.” The financial strains of maintaining the sanctuary had been overwhelming, with Beal using half her income to keep it running. She had been hoping for a miracle to continue her work.

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Such an incredible bond has piqued the curiosity of many, making this Minnesota woman and her sunfish friend local celebrities. This heartwarming tale of a woman’s friendship with her pet fish has been nothing short of remarkable, capturing the interests of animal lovers and sunfish enthusiasts alike.

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