Life Lessons: Omid Djalili Shares Wisdom with Positive News

Life lessons: Omid Djalili on what life so far has taught him - Positive News

Omid Djalili, the award-winning Iranian-British stand-up comedian and actor, speaks candidly about his role as a bridge between the east and the west, his efforts to improve his listening skills and his approach to channeling anger for good. He is known for his extensive career in both stand-up comedy and Hollywood, with appearances in popular films such as ‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’ and ‘Sex and the City 2’. His most recent role was in the highly-praised Channel 4 series, ‘The Change’.

In his upcoming show, ‘Namaste’, Djalili promises to explore the current state of the world, in a manner that bears testament to his ability to peacefully express his inner anger. This commitment to conscious listening and mindful expression is a testament to his personal growth and development.

Off-stage, Djalili starts his day with a healthy boost of lemon juice and ginger, setting him up for a day filled with optimism. He sees a world bearing both forces of integration and disintegration, choosing to align with the former. His conviction is that the world is moving towards maturity.

Djalili isn’t shy about expressing his anger regarding the state of global affairs, ranging from Gaza to Ukraine and to the state of his nation. However, he emphasizes the importance of doing something constructive with that anger.

If he hadn’t pursued a career in comedy, Djalili shares that he would have been drawn to becoming an English literature professor. He recalls an uncle who greatly inspired him, a renowned professor at The University of Maryland. His uncle encouraged Djalili’s interest in the arts, pointing out that while a professor can reach hundreds, an artist can reach millions.

One of the habits that Djalili has found most useful in his life is practicing conscious listening. This involves patiently waiting for a pause after someone has finished speaking before responding. On the other hand, he has managed to overcome his habit of being distracted by his phone, a feat many can find relatable.

As he has gotten older, Djalili shares that there are fewer things that bring him joy, but those that do, he cherishes profoundly. This includes being selective about the television he watches and the pride he feels when he sees a friend succeed in their endeavors.

When faced with challenges, Djalili advocates for a calm, consultative approach. He believes in collaboratively seeking truth and understanding, rather than insisting on one’s point of view.

One book that Omid Djalili believes everyone should read is ‘The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom’ by Miguel Ruiz. The book, which can be seen as a spiritual self-help guide, offers universal truths that he believes can make life more effective.

Djalili also reflects on the power of comedy, a perspective that was changed significantly after the events of 9/11. Prior to this, he saw comedy as a fleeting, fun career, but after the tragedy, he felt a deep sense of responsibility to act as a bridge between the east and west, using his voice to bring healing.

Despite being quite busy with work and running his own production company, Djalili draws motivation from the fact that he was the first Middle Eastern comedian performing in English. This gives him the feeling of representing his people while also reaching out to a broader audience. He acknowledges that this comes with additional responsibilities but believes the rewards are also much greater.

From his parents, Djalili learned the value of service to humanity and seizing opportunities. He firmly believes that happiness comes from serving others rather than from the acquisition of material possessions. This life lesson is something he wishes he could tell his younger self, along with the advice to give one’s very best in everything.

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