Family Uses Taekwondo to Rescue Woman from Assault

Taekwondo Family Saves Woman From Assault

Heroic Texas Taekwondo Family Rescues Woman from Violent Assault

June 20, 2024

Breaking news from Harris County, Texas reveals a heartening story of bravery and swift action.

A family of renowned taekwondo instructors, the Ans, who are also the owners of the Yong-In Taekwondo dojo, displayed remarkable courage in saving a woman from a violent assault.

The An family, a five-member powerhouse, each holding a fourth-degree black belt, were at their dojo when they heard distressing screams from a nearby business. Initially assuming the sounds to be harmless fun, they jumped into action upon hearing a chilling scream that left no doubt of a grave situation unfolding.

Upon reaching the scene, they discovered a man in the act of sexually assaulting a woman. Demonstrating their training and quick thinking, the An family promptly intervened, rescuing the victim from her attacker. The attacker turned his violent behavior towards the family but was no match for their martial arts skills.

The father, a grandmaster in taekwondo, restrained the attacker on the ground, holding him in place for a tense ten-minute period until the arrival of local law enforcement.

“My dad is strong. He taught us to protect the vulnerable and had faith in our abilities,” said Simon An, a member of the brave family.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Department acknowledged the An family for their commendable bravery.

“A heartfelt thank you to the Yong-In dojo for your swift and courageous actions in protecting others,” expressed Sheriff Ed Gonzalez.

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