In a heartwarming turn of events in Alicante, Spain, a man’s courageous act saved a young boy’s life.
A worker named Felipe David Souza is being lauded for his heroic deed after he risked his own life to prevent a child from falling off a balcony.
AFP News Agency / Angel Munoz
The incident unfolded when Souza, who was working in an apartment nearby, was alerted by frantic cries for help. He discovered a terrified six-year-old boy, half his body hanging out from a balcony.
As a bystander’s video footage clearly shows, Souza can be seen reaching the boy by carefully manoeuvering along a narrow ledge. Despite the danger, he successfully helped the child cross the railing back to safety.
The boy’s previously unaware parents were horrified upon realization of their son’s near-tragic situation. They expressed deep gratitude to their child’s rescuer, Souza.
Spanish police later revealed that the boy and his family were tourists.
Souza’s swift and brave response has since received accolades, with numerous people commending his brave act.
Souza, a parent himself, humbly admitted to acting on impulse. “I did it without thinking,” he said, explaining that his only concern was the child’s safety.