Heroic Officer Saves Wheelchair-Bound Resident from Burning Home

Heart-Stopping Moment Hero Officer Runs Into Burning Home To Save Trapped Resident In Wheelchair

Brave New Jersey Police Officer Rescues Trapped Wheelchair-Bound Resident from Burning Evesham Township Home

June 26, 2024

In an inspiring act of heroism that took place in Evesham Township, New Jersey, a local police officer courageously saved a wheelchair-bound resident from a threatening house fire.

This immensely spirited event, highlighting the officer’s exceptional bravery, was captured on his body-worn camera, showing the life-saving mission in the face of extreme danger.

heroic police officer in new jersey

Evesham Township Police (NJ)

Officer Kevin Long, a dedicated member of the Evesham Police Department, was the first person on the scene following the emergency call. Upon his arrival, he quickly assessed the situation, shouting, “I got smokey conditions!” as he rushed towards the engulfed home.

At the front door, Officer Long was met by a distressed woman who was unable to move her wheelchair-dependent husband from the burning house. “You alright?” Officer Long asked, as seen in the footage.

“I can’t get my husband out!” the woman responded, clearly distressed over her inability to save her husband from the increasing peril of the fire.

Describing the conditions inside the house, Officer Long later told local news, “The further you proceeded into the house, the more smoke. It was pitch black, you couldn’t see anything.” Despite the intensely difficult circumstances of near-zero visibility and suffocating smoke, Officer Long relied on the sound of the trapped man’s voice to locate him inside the fiery chaos.

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