$4 Thrift Store Vase Revealed as Ancient Mayan Urn

She Bought A Vase At A Thrift Store For $4—Turns Out It's An Ancient Mayan Ceremonial Urn

Thrift Store $4 Purchase Revealed as Ancient Mayan Ceremonial Urn

Posted on June 22, 2024

In an incredible twist, Anna Lee Dozier, a resident of Washington, DC, stumbled upon a remarkable find, stirring interest amongst historians and archaeologists.

Dozier’s discovery happened five years ago during a trip to the clearance aisle at a thrift store in Clinton, MD, where she found an unusual vase.

ancient Mayan urn found at thrift store

Mexican Cultural Institute DC

“The vase looked interesting, so I decided to take it home,” Dozier recollected.

It wasn’t until a work-related trip to Mexico earlier this year that the true value of her find came to light. During a visit to the Museum of Anthropology, Dozier was surprised to notice artifacts that were eerily similar to her thrift store buy. Sparking her curiosity, she then asked about the procedure for returning potentially ancient items.

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