Surfing Accident Survivor Transformed by Police Officer’s Words

A surfing accident left him paralyzed and unable to breathe on his own. A few words from a police officer changed his life.

Billy Keenan’s Journey from Paralysis to Motivational Speaking

Ex-teacher and former Army lieutenant Billy Keenan, known for his prowess in music and athletics, saw his life take a dramatic turn on September 14, 2013. An avid surfer and triathlete, Keenan was involved in a devastating surfing accident at the Jersey Shore that left him paralyzed from the shoulders down.

Recounting the incident, Keenan shared how he fell off his surfboard and hit his head on the ocean floor, everything then faded to black. Waking up in a hospital room two and a half weeks later, he found himself unable to breathe without the aid of a tracheotomy tube.

Keenan described this period of his life as one of profound darkness. However, encouragement came from an unlikely source – NYPD Detective Steven McDonald. McDonald, also paralyzed due to a shooting incident, had become a renowned public speaker on the topic of forgiveness.

During McDonald’s visit to Keenan’s hospital room, he reminded Keenan that his purpose in surviving was to return stronger and contribute meaningfully. McDonald’s words provided key inspiration for Keenan in his journey toward recovery and resilience.

Reflecting on his past as an Army paratrooper, Keenan identified his former experiences of “deliberate discomfort” as building blocks for resilience. He credited his past challenges and experiences as a father for his ability to cope with the aftermath of the accident.

Drawing on his faith and McDonald’s words, Keenan defied the odds. Four months after the accident, he was able to breathe independently again.

Keenan returned to teaching in 2015 but subsequently retired. Inspired by McDonald, who passed away in January 2017, Keenan turned his energy to motivational speaking. His personal story of resilience and recovery became a source of inspiration for others.

In 2023, Keenan published his autobiography, “The Road to Resilience: The Billy Keenan Story”, and has already started working on his next book, a coming-of-age story titled “I Am Iron Man.”

Keenan believes that McDonald’s words of encouragement were a divine message meant for him. He expressed at Berkeley College that he feels the conversation he had with McDonald was not just advice from the detective, but a message from God channeled through him.

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Minnesota Woman And Her Sunfish Friend Celebrate 9 Summers Together

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Minnesota Woman And Her Sunfish Friend Celebrate 9 Summers Together

In a heartwarming display of friendship, a Minnesota woman and her pet sunfish have recently marked their 9th summer together. This unusual animal companionship has become a subject of interest among local communities and fish enthusiasts alike.

The Minnesota lady’s bond with her sunfish partner is something that many find fascinating. This aquatic friendship started nine years ago when she saved the sunfish from a dire situation, fostering a relationship that would last almost a decade.

Their companionship transcends typical pet-owner relationships, as the duo spends every summer together, creating a buzz in the pet loving community. Their story serves as a reminder that love and companionship can come from the most unexpected places, even from a simple sunfish.

Such an incredible bond has piqued the curiosity of many, making this Minnesota woman and her sunfish friend local celebrities. This heartwarming tale of a woman’s friendship with her pet fish has been nothing short of remarkable, capturing the interests of animal lovers and sunfish enthusiasts alike.

The woman’s interaction with her pet sunfish over the years has been nothing short of extraordinary. Watching their friendship blossom over the course of nine summers has become a favorite pastime for the local community. They have shown that the bond between a woman and her pet can indeed be very special, even if that pet happens to be a sunfish.