Ross Main Revives Grandfather’s Beehives, Grows Thriving Honey Business

Beekeeper Finds Grandfather’s Long-Lost Hives Thriving in Quarry–and Turns Them into a Colony of Millions

Scottish Man Discovers Grandfather’s Lost Beehives; Starts Honey Business

Ross Main from Scotland recently stumbled upon his grandfather’s beehives, lost or sold 14 years ago, in a local quarry. This accidental discovery sparked Main’s interest in beekeeping, leading to a thriving honey-selling business.

Ross Main had fond memories of his grandfather, William, who was a beekeeper and a gamekeeper. After his grandfather’s passing in 2007, Main thought that the bee colonies had been sold.

However, a trip to the East Lothian quarry, where his grandfather used to keep his hive, led to an unexpected discovery. Main found an original colony that had survived for years, nestled in a dilapidating hive a few hundred meters down an overgrown track.

“That moment ignited my interest in beekeeping, and I decided to rehome the bees and care for them,” says Main. He started learning beekeeping through online videos and diligently moved the bees from the old hive to a new one, all while suited up in beekeeping gear.

With time, Main grew his grandfather’s single hive into an impressive beekeeping business, boasting about 100 colonies and a bee population of five million. Main’s Apiaries now sells honey to farm shops across Scotland, derived from three harvests each year.

Main recalls his early days around bees with a sense of awe: “Despite being young and scared of the swarms, I was captivated. I started with one hive, and they naturally multiplied each year, leading to the establishment of new hives.”

As the colonies flourished, Main started sharing his honey with friends and family and sharing his beekeeping experiences with those interested. In 2021, he officially launched Main’s Apiaries.

Beyond selling honey, Main also offers beekeeping experiences for prospective hobbyists. He sells colonies to businesses interested in maintaining hives on their premises, providing weekly maintenance for the hives.

“Along with diversifying my business, offering hives to corporate companies promotes local biodiversity and a healthy ecosystem,” Main explains. These experience-sharing initiatives took root from his grandfather’s initial introduction to the magical world of bees. “I wanted to provide others the same unforgettable experience I had,” he adds.

This heartwarming tale of intergenerational bonding through beekeeping demonstrates the enduring charm and ecological importance of these tiny bugs.

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